
Showing posts from April, 2017


My grandfather bought this old fly fishing rod from this person that was cleaning his garage out. This rod is an old Abu Garcia rod and I can say it is a 5 wt rod. It casts nice and smooth and I can't wait to test it!

Fishing Report April 24th

I went out in the morning around 8:00 I had a fish on!!! But it came off... BUT TOMMOROWS A NEW DAY

In Class: Happiness Revisited

When do you feel most happy?  I feel most happy when I have had an experience or have received new ideas      2.Response to article. This article truly breaks down happiness and helped me understand "flow". I never noticed how flow has led me to  create new ideas and to try new things.        3. Where am I in the Flow Chart? I would say that I am in the state in which you are so involved in an activity that nothing else seemed to matter.       4. How does this change or remain throughout my project? I remained everyday I am out on the water or walked to the water. I get this crazy happy feeling that only happens when I am deeply passionate about something. I really feel I am one with the water! I am in a really deep focus and relaxed at the same time.      

Catching My First Barracuda!!

This happened on the last day of my trip, I had no wifi in Vieques where I stayed. But, I caught 2 monster barracudas. This feeling I had fighting these fish were drastically incredible! I caught some small pan tropical fish that were still a great fight on the fly rod as well. But, I has a tremendous experience in Vieques! Check out the pictures! Truly Amazing!

Arriving in Puerto Rico!

I left New Jersey at 5:30 in the morning straight to San Juan, PR!

I Caught my First Salmon!!

I did my normal before school fishing preparing the night before... So I went out nymphing with a drop shot rig; then BOOM! The strike was like no other fish I've caught! I saw it jump four times,  and it was definitely pulling my drag. I had some trouble landing this fish without an net but I finally landed it with a smooth swing to the rocks. This local fisherman man named Pete, I met was there to help me which I deeply appreciate! This ecstatic moment really put me on cloud 9 for the rest of the day. Check out the pictures below! The face that fish left me with the rest of that day

Quick Clip of me Fly Fishing!

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Mentor Meeting Recap

Mentor meetings have been great! I love to go to my mentor and share what happen throughout my week with him. He continues to help me with key information needed to be successful in the fly world! He has been contacting some of his friends, to see if they could take me out with them. So I am personally excited about that!

A great morning of fishing!

I take the early morning bus every morning to get out on the water. I really just get excited! So I rush to the other side of the school to get ready. It normally takes me 2 minutes to get from the front of the school to the back of the school. I take 5 minutes to put on waders and setup my fly rod and then BOOM! IM IN THE WATER! Then patience hits and then the magic happens; I feel like I am in my own world. It's really great! I was using a 5wt rod and a Orange Egg Pattern

April 5th Fishing Report

It was another great day of fishing!! I spent the whole night setting up! I was using a drop shot leader setup. This setup worked great! I will make a tutorial later on, to show how to make this setup. But, I had caught 4 Suckers! Creating that amazing feeling you get when you catch a fish on the fly. Check out the pictures below!

Davy Knot Tutorial


Improved Clinch Knot

Great knot! The quick and easy knot that has a great amount of strength!

Perfection Loop


First Day of Trout Fishing ( April 1st )

I went fishing at Upper Fall Creek. The water was very high! I walked pretty far to find some slow pools. Once I found a nice spot I made a few around to clear some area. I was there for about 3 hours and didn't have much luck. But, still was a good day of fishing! Tomorrow  the weather is going to be awesome so I might go to Ithaca Falls so stay tuned! 

RECAP: Ithaca Fishing Day

Soft- Tackle Ithaca Fishing Day was awesome! I talked to many local fly fisherman and received tons of knowledge. There was a live Trout/ live bug exhibit which was great.  Also, I was able to tie my first fly! Woolybugger